Commissioning for complexity: exploring the role of system dynamics in social care
Robin Miller Completed 2014
Robin Miller Completed 2014
NIHR SSCR Methods Reviews 14 in relation to System Dynamics Modelling identified that the methodology had potential within a wide range of social care inquiry, including population change, ageing, long-term conditions, health and social care integration, resource allocation across a pathway, policy analysis, workforce planning, and options appraisals. In particular it was seen as relevant to exploring complex, dynamic problems, and recommended small-scale projects be commissioned to encourage collaboration between social care researchers, social care practitioners, service users and carers, and system dynamicists.
System Dynamics uses computer modelling and simulation techniques to facilitate understanding of (or learning about) how complex systems behave over time.
This scoping project sought to explore the potential contribution of System Dynamics to social care commissioning through testing its application within services for people with a learning disability.
The research team worked with social and health care commissioners in one local authority area to explore the potential impacts of introducing a community-based intensive support service for people with a learning disability and complex behavioural needs. In particular, the commissioners wanted to understand the impact on admissions to residential care and in-patient treatment facilities.
The initial overview of the model was developed through a stakeholder workshop and then refined through discussions with the commissioners. Data from the locality, national data sets and research were then used to populate the model. A second workshop enabled stakeholders to provide further comment and to test out different service configurations in light of the anticipated needs and demand.
Key points from the review included: