Sophie Sarre

Dr Sophie Sarre

Fellow | academic

Research Fellow
King's College London
James Clerk Maxwell Building 57 Waterloo Road London

After working in front-line services, first with older people and then with children, Sophie’s first degree was a BSc in Social Policy from the LSE. Over many years working in the areas of families and relationships and related policies and services her interests became more sociological, and she has a Masters in Social Research Methods and a PhD from the Department of Sociology at the University of Surrey.

Sophie is interested in research that contributes to service improvement. Her work has included process evaluations of services in the fields of health, social care and domestic violence; designing complex interventions; and feasibility studies of complex interventions. She has worked on a number of studies around the substantive areas of health and social care services; work-life balance; everyday family practices; social policy and family life; gender and generation.

Much of Sophie’s research has been with vulnerable and hard to reach groups, primarily older people, children and teenagers, fathers and sex offenders She has used a variety of qualitative methods and am interested in methodological exploration.

A common theoretical thread to Sophie’s work is care – what it is, how people achieve it, what it feels like to receive it and the implications of giving it. Other theoretical interests are practices and their display; childhood; temporality.