Sam Creavin

Dr Sam Creavin

Dementia Research Programme | academic

NIHR Clinical Lecturer in General Practice
Bristol Medical School
Canynge Hall 39 Whatley Road Bristol
+44 117 456 0397

Dr Sam Creavin is trying to understand more about what tests are most useful to doctors when making diagnosis of dementia in general practice. He is also broadly interested in the topic of diagnostic science. Sam has reviewed the scientific evidence to support the use of two brief cognitive tests for diagnosing dementia: the MoCA and the MMSE.

Sam is currently reading for a PhD to investigate which tests are most useful for making the diagnosis of dementia in general practice and he’s made a brief video to outline my work. To do this Sam is leading TIMeLi, who are aiming to recruit up to 300 people who have symptoms of possible dementia and have been seen by their GP.

Sam’s MPhil investigated the association between pain and fatigue as co-occuring symptoms in the general population. During his academic foundation programme he investigated risk factors for dementia, specifically metabolic syndrome and caloric intake. Sam has also investigated response rates to postal surveys of GPs.

Sam is also a GP.