David Reeves

Dr David Reeves

Dementia Research Programme | academic

Emeritus Professor
The University of Manchester
Oxford Road Manchester
M13 9PL
+44 (0) 161 306 6000

Dr David Reeves holds a first class honours degree from Newcastle and a PhD from Manchester. David worked for Beecham’s Research Laboratories for one year, and Marconi Space and Defence for two years, before joining the University of Manchester in 1981. Up until 2000, David was statistician at the Hester Adrian Research Centre (HARC), in the School of Education. HARC was a Centre dedicated to research for people with learning disabilities, and whilst there he developed strong links with other units in Education, including Special Education and the Centre for Human Communication and Deafness, and developed a number of collaborative projects on services for Deaf people, and on children with speech and language difficulties.

David moved to the Centre for Primary Care at Manchester in 2000 and became leader of the statistic team in 2004. David heads a group of four statisticians who provide support to all research projects and post-graduate students in the Centre.
